Cognito in Flutter

Introduction When we started working on a new Flutter application, we made a decision to minimize or completely avoid the use of AWS Amplify. We’ve come to the agreement on using AWS Cognito to manage User Authentication since it provides a lot of things for us out of the box.…

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Estonian ID card authentication using Nginx and CORS

Authentication in web apps using an Estonian ID card with Nginx is pretty straightforward (although quite unstable). Initial setup Simple ID card authentication boils down to: Enable One-Way TLS on your main domain (e.g. Two-Way TLS on a secondary domain (e.g. using the ID card certificate chain.Redirect user…

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Assigning static IP address for Google App Engine

Why? GAE(Google App Engine) is a great choice for developers who want to build and deploy applications in a minute. Thanks to a fully managed serverless platform, you are free from the painful server configuration for deployment as well as automatic scaling. But there is a problem that comes with…

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